About Us

"Food is about a lot more than just eating. It's about staying connected and sharing with our families and friends, learning about different cultures and enjoying the wonders of new tastes and flavors."

-Vincent Trépanier


7dish: Making dinner exciting again!

7dish is a meal planning and food shopping platform that understands the specific needs of each family and helps them develop healthy eating habits. Our goal is to improve the health and quality of life of families one week at a time.

Dinner set on a table with different meals

Our Story

Welcome to 7dish, the game-changing meal planning app born out of a parent's journey.

Meet Vincent

When he became a parent, the weekly experience of mealtime took a sharp turn, leaving him with less time and children with ever-changing tastes and needs. As a dedicated foodie who truly enjoys the art of cooking and savouring delicious meals, he found himself struggling to find the energy and motivation to make dinner exciting. That's why, in 2021, he took matters into his own hands and created 7dish. With his personal journey in mind, he started 7dish to solve the challenges of parents like him by providing a seamless way to discover recipe ideas, efficiently plan meals for the week, as well as easily generate shopping lists and grocery orders.

Our Mission

Empower family home cooks, from inspiration to food ordering, and facilitate healthy and sustainable eating habits through personalized meal planning and food shopping, with the help of our personal food assistant.​